Friday, October 26, 2007

a sigh of relief

After being a complete and total lard ass for almost 2 weeks, I weighed in this morning.

I only gained 2.6 pounds, bringing the total BACK up to 166.8 lbs. I know I should have been better and not eaten all of the food, made efforts to exercise more, etc. I know that I shouldn't have eaten all that cheese covered bread and drank that red wine last night @ Michelle's house. I know, I know, I know. But I also know that if I didn't let myself have these last 2 weeks, I would not have enjoyed it half as much as I did. And I did enjoy it :-)

Today starts me fresh and getting back on track. 160 pounds by 11/9/07 (just in time for the second wedding i'm going to this fall!)

Although this weekend might present a little bit of an obstacle. Today is my 3 month anniversary with Adam and we're going to din-din someplace niice. And tomorrow is HALLOWEEEN Party Night in Albany, which in turn, means that I will be drinking heavily in shorts and a bald head....I'm Britney, bitch!

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