Kudos to: ME! I ran 1 whole mile on Monday. I haven't ran in forever. I figured I'd try a nice jog since I've lost so much weight and quit smoking and I did great! Good for me!
Yesterday, while wearing a pair of size 10 jeans, I realized for the first time ever, where the weight comes off on me.
(This is the part where I explain what the heck I'm talking about, so bear with me)
Most people who have lost weight, can list the places on their bodies where the weight comes off easiest/quickest. For example, some women lose in their thighs right away. Others lose their tetas (boobies) when they shed major poundage. I can proudly say that while I've lost lots of inches around my whole body, I've lost the most in my waist and I've also lost A LOT of BUTT.
Now don't get me wrong, my boyfriend still has plenty to grab. I wear pants that fit me the right way in the right places, I'm lacking a little in the buns department. OK that last statement was kind of a lie. Most of my dress/work pants are still 12's and they sag in the tush. But to be fair, my 10's were a little baggy in the rear. Regardless, my butt has been compacted due to all of the hard work I've put in. I just really wish my boobs would go away.
In other news, I've survived (just barely) my 1st week back to graduate school. If the work load doesn't kill me, I will probably kill myself.
And here, is the best part of the post. I've compiled a list of 10 things I've learned on my diet journey and I will share with you some of my secrets:
- "If you are not hungry enough to eat an apple, then you aren't really hungry." - I got this gem from my WW magazine and it's really, really true.
- I am really, really into cheese. I love cheese, a lot. Instead of buying cheese slices or bricks of cheese, I've purchased some low-fat shredded cheese to add to my sandwiches and eggs and on wraps as fake quesadillas. Although right now I would give YOUR left arm for a slice of thick sliced, yellow American Land-O-Lakes brand deli cheese (Yes, I know brands!) I'm finding that if you melt the shredded stuff you can still enjoy cheesy goodness. And without all of the guilt associated with it.
- That being said, having only 1 piece of deli meat/cheese goes a long way. Even though I rarely ever eat the stuff, 1 slice is now sufficient for me. Your sammy won't taste any different whether or not you have 1 slice or 7, but you save A LOT of points (calories, fat, etc) if you skip the extras and just take what you need. If you think about it, each slice of meat is 2 points (roughly 120 calories) and it adds up quickly. When you only get so many points allowed per day, you seriously consider what you'd use them on and what you can live without.
- If I'm trying not to overeat at a function or I'm hungry with low points left, I might just consume a giant bowl of salad (1/2 a bag from the bagged salad thingies I buy). Add extra veggies for fun. For some reason, eating all of that lettuce tricks my tummy and my brain into thinking I'm full. I think the lettuce touches sensors in the tum-tum sending a signal to my brain that I'm sassi-fied.
- Another trick, that took me FOR-EV-ER to learn and perfect is this. When you're at a BBQ, buffet or at a dinner table with lots of options, ONLY TAKE WHAT YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT. After that funeral I wanted to stuff a bagel with cream cheese and lox into my face. Instead, I thought about it and what I really wanted was sweets so I ate fruit and 3 cookies instead. And I felt a lot better about my choices. A rule for me is to eat what I couldn't eat on a normal day, or to order something I couldn't get anywhere else.
- I used to make meats & veggies sauteed in oil to put over pastas or rices. I've learned that sometimes it's OK to just eat that stuff, not over anything. It tastes JUST as good plus I get to eat more of it and put grated cheese on it! Yum-O
- Whatever I'm craving, be it bacon or pizza (2 of my most recent!) there is always a lighter alternative. I've recently found some veggie bacon (made from tofu I think) that actually tastes pretty darn close to the real thing. I'm able to eat 2 slices of it for the price of 1 and that's a positive. If I have to have the real thing, I just try to eat 1/2 of it. And try not to cry.
- For some reason, spicy things fill me up quicker. I know they're supposed to help with metabolism but I feel fuller when I have spicy stuff.
- When out at a restaurant, just put 1/2 of your entree away immediately and save yourself. This one's a no-brainer.
- Don't confuse hunger with dehydration. I used to do that, until I began drinking a ridiculous amount of water everyday. Now, I feel awful when I don't get to. And my pee is darker and smells weird.
- Getting a good night's sleep (i.e. going to bed at a normal hour) really helps. In college, I would eat just to stay awake and do my homework. Getting to bed helps.
I've been REALLY good today and for the entire week. I'm hoping that getting back to routine will set me straight and get me back on track so I can lose this weight. I have two important weddings coming up that I need to be hot for! Plus, I just wanna look better and be at goal weight already!!!!!
Here's to hoping there's less of me next time. And maybe some of this has helped you too?