Monday, February 2, 2009


Going to the gym on Saturday was so great, I did it again the next day.
AND I have plans to go tonight after class. I'm not as out of shape as I thought, although I haven't been super hard on myself.
Nows I just needs to work on re-learning how to track my points on WW and we'll be back in the game.


Anonymous said...

So did you make it? I haven't been able to sleep since you posted this, not knowing!

Anonymous said...


It's really not as difficult to get back into the swing of things as we make it sometimes.

Tony said...

woot! great job going to the gym and getting yourself back in the game. Something I have been avoiding recently lol.

Anonymous said...

good job! it is just getting into a routine that is the hardest part!

Every Gym's Nightmare said...

awesome- good job. im trying to drag my lazy butt to the gym. maybe if i put my shoes on...

Kelly Turner

fattygetsfit said...

I ended up coming home and doing some pilates DVD. Tonight I took off because I am starting to feel the muscle pain in the tricep and inner thighs.

Thanks for the check in!!!