I bought some new exercise clothes at Marshall's (surprise!) including a new bra tank top and some colorful lightweight and awesome shorts. IN A SIZE MEDIUM! I've never worn real running shorts (the kind with undies and lining in them) and I must say it was a great experience for me. They kept my thighs from rubbing together and they felt nice.
I also purchased a pair of 1 lb wrist weights that I used on my arms. That was nice. I am officially recommitted to exercise effective...yesterday. I did my old Pilates DVD and today I ran.
Friday, I went out drinking in Saratoga with my friends Holly & Devan. I had 1 beer and then a slice of pizza and a twice baked potato. I figured since I didn't feel like boozing hardcore, that I would eat my calories instead of sip them through a straw. Probably could have done without all of it, but ....at least I look nice in purple?
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