To know me is not necessarily to know me. Lots of people know me. I was voted class clown in high school, people knew who I was in college and now I network myself with other service providers in the Capital Region in NY. I'm loud, I'm blunt, I curse like a sailor. I'm silly. I'm funny and bubbly and I'm depressed? Whoa where did THAT come in? Like lots of Americans, I battle not only with fat thighs but also sometimes, depression. And now, after reading up on this B12 crap I'm deficient in, I saw someplace that it has something to do with mood and can cause depression and irritability. DING DING DING. Perhaps I should just take my sublingual vitam

Glad to know your depression is due to a vitamin deficiency.
Tom Cruise is probably jumping on a couch somewhere (and who knew he might've been onto something).
I ALWAYS knew cherry was the flavour of happiness.
Let us know how you're getting on. Take care of you!
TA x
Love the FAIL pic, but then I'm a sucker for FAIL pics.
Did you know that beer has lots of vitamin B12?
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