Sunday, July 13, 2008

misssss new booty?!

Over my strep throat officially and back in the gym as of yesterday.

At the group home for pregnant teens that I work in part time, I have a rule. The girls are allowed to complain, but only if they say something positive after their complaint. So...they cannot bitch and moan unless they can make a positive comment afterwards. I am trying to teach them that good karma and positive thinking will bring them better things then being negative nancies all of the time. I even made a sign on the office door. And when they come to me to talk about why they hate being here, hate another girl etc I interject with a "BUT!" and they laugh, and say "But I'm pretty" or "But I am going to be out of here once I have my baby" and they can't be angry anymore.

While I was elliptical-ing, I was reading in a magazine about how celebs lose the "baby weight" or have a "bikni body." Really?! COMPLETELY unrealistic. I was getting cranky at the thought that I could be super skinny and gorgeous if I had millions of dollars to spend on trainers, nutritionists and/or nannies to take care of my kid while I worked out for 2 hours a day.

I make way less than $30 grand a year, work 2 jobs and will be returning to grad school in a month or so. Is this why my progress is going so slow!??! BUT instead of complaining, I will say that I am very proud that I've lost all of this weight and have been keeping it OFF for over a year and a half now.

Today.... I did 45 mins on the elliptical. Hope weigh in tomorrow works out for me!!!

Starting Measurements vs. Current Measurements
Arms - 12" / 11.5"

Legs- 24"/ 21.5"

Waist- 38"/ 32.5"

Hips - 42"/38"


Anonymous said...

love it.
all of it.
that youre changing your thought process and paying that shit, err, stuff forward as well.

what a COOL job you have (well the one I know about).


Miz., who used to work with teens as well and while she HEARTed them shes sorely aware how tiring it can be.

gilesdm said...

I know what you mean about the millions of dollars, but I always come to the same conclusion.

I need 'less' not 'more' in the fat fighting plan! And if I had millions of dollars, I would indulge a lot more than I do already! :)

Great blog and keep up the good work because I really enjoy reading it.

WWSuzi said...

What a great idea, you can still whine, bitch etc but must follow up with a compliment!! I just might use that ;)

Rockin Austin said...

I think I found my next "must read every day" blog! What a great lesson to be teaching...AND practicing!

Anonymous said...

This is EXACTLY what I do, too. When I think about something negative (whether is has to do with me or someone else), I make myself follow it up with something positive. :)

I found your blog after you guest-posted on MizFit's site today!

Kristen said...

Wow, your starting and current measurements are almost exactly the same as mine!! NICE WORK, mamacita!! How wonderful is it to hop onto a BMI calculator and watch the category change??? Success has been my greatest motivator.

I wish I could get those ingredients you mentioned...but I'm in small-town Mississippi. No Joseph's anything. But we do have a fabulous Farmer's Market and I'm eating like royalty by firing up the grill. And I belong to a great gym. I may live in the fattest state in the nation, but we ALL have veto power.

Keep plugging away and keep up the great work!