Saturday, September 20, 2008

AHA! moments.

Allow me to explains...

I have been noticing several of these in other people. Without divulging too much, I did an intervention with another service provider for one of my *muffins* (aka clients) because the kid was going to get booted from where she lives due to her drug use. At first, she vehemently denied using and then....the flood gates opened. She wasn't ready to be a grown up, she doesn't know who she is, she is scared and angry and....BOY COULD I COMISERATE!? She looked like she lost 50 pounds in her catharsis moment. LIGHTBULB! And then, once she realized she wasn't in trouble and that people were there to support her no matter what, she agreed to try treatment. Personally, I've grown attached to this one (I've been through a lot with her) and I want to see her succeed.

Next day, at internship, I'm doing a psycho-social assessment on a new patient. He explained reasoning why he drank and used. I summed it up in a sentence for him and POP! Lightbulb moment for him too. Maybe I'm not the first person who ever pointed out to him that he wants to please others, but his face and his reactions told me different.

I am currently waiting for my next true AHA! moment, where my little lightbulb goes off over my head and I feel like I've lost 50 pounds. The first true AHA! release for me was in therapy two, almost three years ago when I finally accepted that I was an angry person (and rightfully so) and that I had a problem with it. Next AHA was when I stepped on the scale and topped out at 193 lbs and knew I was too close to two hundred. Others include: realizing that I'm too busy to care about friends who aren't true blues or bring me down, that bills MUST be paid on time and cookies are not necessarily their own food group (ok, that was a joke, but still).
AHA last night in reading about this stupid vitamin b12 thing. The deficiency can be caused by malabsorption, which can be caused by weight loss, which can be caused by over exertion and exercise which can be caused by a desire to be thin already for frigg's sake. Blah blah blah I feel better with the vitamins. I'm still a little exhausted but I think if you were me you would be too. OK? There I said it ;-)

Have a lovely weekend. Tomorrow morning Adam is taking me to the balloon festival. Pics to follow.


Anonymous said...

how COOL that you are there for (trigger? methinks so) these moments in other touch so many lives, Missy!

hope youre having a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

It is pretty awesome to see an AHA moment.

It seems that you're feeling a bit better about everything (at least, I hope you are).

The Bear Cub Bakery said...

I'm with MizFit in thinking that you trigger the AHA! moments. :)

I've had a few of these in my time (when we walked uphill both ways...errr...). But they feel good, don't they? *sigh of happy*

Hope you and your vitamin problems are doing better!

Penny said...

Wow. The fact that you can clarify this stuff for people and bring these turning points about is a rare talent. You have so much to be proud of.

And yes. I would be SO tired. Even if I had all the vitamin b12 in the world.

Happy balloons!

TA x

fattygetsfit said...

you girls are awesome.
the end.

Rockin Austin said...

How cool is it to be in a position to see those far and few between AHA moments. Especially with the people that you work with. You are an amazing person.

(How's it going with the peanut butter??)

fattygetsfit said...

peanut butter is IN
cigarettes are OUT
officially ;-)
thanks for askin'

Bessie Wills said...

"AHA last night in reading about this stupid vitamin b12 thing. The deficiency can be caused by malabsorption, which can be caused by weight loss, which can be caused by over exertion and exercise which can be caused by a desire to be thin already for frigg's sake."

hahaha yeah, i also read an article about it before,haha then they say this mouth spray can help as an alternative.. What's you opinion on this one?