my first tattoo ever...meant to reinforce the fact that I am beautiful (this translates to "beauty" in hebrew) it has also turned out to remind me to find beauty in others
#3, "Swannita"- meant to show inner and outer beauty (i.e. weight loss, grad school, helping other people)
Got her done last night. She hurt like a mofo. Very pleased with the results.
This tattoo is meant to symbolize my journey to the "stars" through "hardship."
This tattoo is meant to symbolize my journey to the "stars" through "hardship."
now, did your mom give you the lecture about the jewish cemetery no longer burying you?
Im 39 and get that from mine all.the.time.
I love the way you've let them tell your life story - blatantly the best reasons to get the ink. They're all awesome!
Did this one hurt did that one hurt did they all hurt the same or different? *tattoo-less girl is intrigued*
TA x
mom is less than thrilled but it's my body and she knows she has no say! i didn't get the shpiel about cemeteries though.....
fat & muscle hurt waaay less
bones hurt for serious. feet are tender. i'd say the thigh hurt the least, followed by back and ankle. foot was bad, but my tats are all so tiny
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