OK, so it's a little off the topic of fitness & weight loss & being frustrated with not being a skinny bitch. But postsecret is one of my all time favorite websites; has been for the last 3 years. Tomorrow night, I'm beginning a project with my preggo girls that I got as an idea from my friend Devan. I am bringing them my post-secret books (I own all four) and I'm making them read the books (my idea). Then on Wednesday, I'm bringing in white crayons & paper & watercolor paints (Devan's project that she does with her clients). I'm going to have the girls write a dream they have for their unborn child on the paper (nothing too personal) and then shuffle up the "secrets." Eventually each girl will have a paper that isn't their own and they will watercolor paint the secret to reveal it...and then comment on the secret by giving advice, encouragement or something along those lines.

I hope they're as excited about this project as I am.
Oh and about me? My weekend was fabulous. I wore a bikini and got tan and relaxed and stuffed my face. I went on a nice after dinner walk this evening for almost an hour. And I'm getting my water in before bed (ummm, not my best idea but I'm so dehydrated). Tomorrow will be work 8am-4pm and then work again 6pm-12 am. Bzzzzzz busy busy girl.
My weekend was fabulous. I wore a bikini and got tan and relaxed and stuffed my face.
does it get any better than that?
and a tat?
Hi. Just found your blog thru MizFit. I LOVE PostSecret too. I even sent in a secret, but it didn't get posted. ha ha.
You are doing fantastic on your weight loss! I got to my 40 lb mark last weekend. Awesome feeling.
that is AWESOME jill! that project sounds like it will be amazing!
that is AWESOME jill! that project sounds like it will be amazing!
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